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PlantingSeeds-logo-RGB Smaller.png

PlantingSeeds is a non-profit organisation focussed on environmental and social education. Ventures include planting garden corridors for pollinators in urban spaces, teaching seniors how to use smartphones to connect with others over gardening in a safe online space, and involving refugees in beekeeping to further community growth, PlantingSeeds projects are socially led and sustainably motivated.


Working as a multimedia designer and animator at PlantingSeeds allowed me to take on a wide variety of tasks that put my full skill set to use. Besides the work featured here, my responsibilities also included drafting webpage UX/UI designs, acting as copy writer and copy proofer, designing print media, retouching photos, and more.

Full Video Production

Introducing the B&B Highway is a 6-minute video to distribute to schools and community centres interested in joining the B&B Highway program. PlantingSeeds commissioned me to shoot, edit, cut, colour grade, add graphics to and animate this and a shorter version for business proposal purposes.

Infographic Cool
Infographic Hot : Arid.jpg
Infographic Temperate.jpg
Infographic Warm : Humid.jpg
IMG_6722 copy.jpg

above: excerpt of my thumbnail sketches for Introducing the B&B Highway

above: flower organisation for animation

bottom left: thumbnailed motion design plans for the B&B Highway certificate

(Motion) Graphics

I was able to put my skills to use in a number of ways through (motion) graphic designing, as well as scripting and planning smaller videos for PlantingSeeds' social media chalnnels. I enjoyed working on infographics educating the public about pollinators, and developing assets for the B&B Highway program such as an animated certificate presented to schools once they complete a number of workshops.

GT Banner.jpg
B&B Banner.jpg

Print Media

I created many different graphics intended for print, including three individual 2m large pull-up banners, which are to be displayed during promotional and community events, a business card template design, and two user manuals aimed at aiding computer-illiterate seniors in learning the ins and outs of using a smartphone.

PS Business Card Mockup Alt.jpg
PS Banners IRL.jpg
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