A man wakes up in a clocktower to find himself in the midst of an alien invasion...
War of the Worlds was a major CGI animated group project created within the timeframe of 3 months in collaboration with a team of 6 artists (click on names for links to their work):
project director, sound design, animation
Sophie Fierz
modelling, texturing, environment, lighting
modelling, troubleshooting, rendering, lighting
camera movement, post production, SFX
modelling, texturing, character animation
modelling, character rigging, animation, SFX
Tasked with creating a piece utilising CGI and/or Special FX based on the book War of the Worlds by HG Wells, we developed this steampunk-inspired short packed with detailed scenery, gloomy lighting, suspense and action.
My work in the pipeline consisted of elements almost exclusively created within the software Autodesk Maya, where I was in charge of some modelling, most texturing, and all environment setup and lighting for the project. I also created the final title card of the short in After Effects, including its sound design.
top + bottom: low-res progress shots of my room setup, ligthing and rendering tests.
middle, right: turnaround of clockface I modelled for project
middle, left: title card I produced in Adobe AE